You are a hard working woman with BIG plans for your life, and your life's work. 

You have a huge heart.

You have an even bigger bad-ass vision for yourself.

And, it still feels like something is missing.

Let's shift that, My Friend!

"Hi! I'm Elise Besler 

Trauma Resolution and Communication Coach for bad-ass, big -hearted women who are facing the weight of daily stressors, the pressure to "be perfect", and the pull of their past traumas and experiences every day.

If this is you, I see you. None of this is your fault.

I'm here to help you get to the root of the matter, so you can thrive. So you can flourish. 

The women I work with are ready to evolve.

They're ready to create a life that puts them first; no guilt, no apologies.

Women seek my help when...

They've tried the mindset work, "graduated therapy" and still dim their light when it comes to speaking their truth, or stepping into the thing they really want.

They tend toward worry, self-doubt and wondering if what they're doing is enough; if who they are is enough. 

They're ready to move past what's been holding them back all these years, so they can speak their truth and share their work with the world, and be honoured for what they truly are; a WHOLE AF intelligent human being. 

Book A Discovery Call!

Does this stir some curiosity in you?

It’s time to find RECLAIM yourself

What does Trauma Resolution & Communication Coaching look like? 

Here's what I know for sure...

  • A woman that understands her traumas and her body responses is a woman who can hold power without overwhelm, with less stress and without re-traumatizing herself. 
  • Your autonomy and independence is the most important thing in your life. Even if it doesn't feel like it right now, knowing that YOU have YOU first is a game changer for your relationships with others, and your relationship to your work.
  • You are NOT ALONE. You don't have to do it alone. And, your life will change when you have capacity to see that for yourself. 


Your boundaries exist in your body. Understanding your "yes", "no" and "maybe" on a somatic (body based) level is the root of being able to voice them out loud, unapologetically. This boundary work is the pinnacle of being able to say "no" to whatever doesn't feel good in your body, without the guilt and shame spirals. Period.




Is it possible to be "stress free"? Truthfully, no, it isn't. That's because stressors are part of life. What IS possible, however, is cultivating more resilience and capacity to manage the stressful things that come your way. Stress management is a MUST for women who wish to hold power. This is where you can learn to do that. 

The women who work with me regularly experience... 

  • Increased confidence and ease during hard conversations and being visible in their bodies of work.

  • More confidence around setting healthy boundaries.

  • Deeper self-trust and a deeper sense of safety and serenity.

  • Increased ability to hold their autonomy and agency in personal and professional relationships. (In other words, not giving their power away!)

  • Nervous system regulation at the core level. 

  • Healing from inner critic narratives, imposter syndrome, people pleasing, limiting beliefs, “stuckness,” and burnout. 

  • Greater sense of purpose and soul-alignment. 

Here's what the work looks like

Despite your best efforts, you haven't been able to think your way out of the trauma and stress responses. AND, you have everything you need inside of you to heal. You have everything you need inside of you to do the things you want to do. Yes, even THE THING that has so far eluded you.  Somatic coaching work is therapeutic and helps us get to the WHOLENESS of who we are, and is the foundation of our work together. 

body based Boundary work


If any of this stirs your soul in the slightest, we should chat! click the link below and fill out an application/book a discovery call to see if working together is a good fit!

Book A Call!


"I was struggling with celebrating myself and believing my voice was worth sharing. It was empowering to open up and share my truth and struggles. Since this opening, I’m empowered to speak up and trust my voice."

Jess Clerk ~ Confidence Coach and Podcast Host

client love


“Elise has helped me uncover areas of my life and work where I was ready to express myself more authentically. As an entrepreneur this has been life changing! It has allowed me to refine my skills in listening and speaking from a place of personal truth, power and authenticity”

Erica Blackburn ~ Spiritual Mentor and Clarity Coach

client love


“This work makes me feel so empowered. I've been encouraged to trust my voice despite my inner critic. I've gone from staying silent or responding in fight mode to expressing myself from a more regulated state. In this work, I've felt safe to build my confidence and ability to speak my truth. ”

Alison McCrae ~ Board Chair, IWK Foundation

client love


“Working with Elise, I was able to let go of some of my fears around perfection or looking silly, and sink into what it meant to identify myself, my desires, and my goals. Elise helped shift my perspective from being a passive character in my own life, to a much more active one. I highly recommend working with Elise if you struggle with communicating not only with others, but also with yourself.”

Nikki Rose Martin ~ Actor/Musician/Writer/Teacher

client love

Around Here, We Believe…

  • All humans deserve to be loved, respected, seen, heard, understood and believed in their lived experience. Regardless of race, gender identity, body size, or any other marginalizing factors—your presence here is welcomed and appreciated. 

  • Integrity and dignity are the center of everything. I don’t subscribe to oppressive cultural standards or pushy marketing practices, and total consent is at the heart of everything we do. 

  • Your voice matters. Even if you aren’t rich and famous. Even if you’ve never taken a stage. Even if you’re not sure whether anyone cares what you have to say… I care. And the world is waiting to hear from you!

  • Effective leaders are embodied leaders. Learning to regulate your nervous system and communicate clearly are key to making the impact you want to make without causing harm along the way. 

  • Self-expression is a product of felt safety. If you’ve struggled to express yourself fully, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you! Rather, it’s somatic wisdom that needs to be addressed, processed, and rerouted. 

My Journey With Nervous System Regulation, Body Wisdom, & Truth Speaking

I started my life as a painfully shy child (I used to hide behind my mom's bell bottoms).

I knew I had so much to say, but the words wouldn't move past my lips.

I became a perfectionist and wouldn't say "boo" unless it was at the right time, to avoid feeling humiliated.

Record Scratch, flip the switch... I had a BIG passion for singing. So, imagine that conundrum!

I've also lived in a large body most of my life and spent a good number of years waffling back and forth between shrinking myself so I could be more conventionally acceptable, and staying silent in my larger body so as not to draw attention to myself. 

I didn't know it before, but this was WISE AF on my nervous system's part. 

It's no surprise that I've spent the majority of my life supporting others to heal their own nervous systems so they can access their inner truth and share their voice with the world. 

In addition to years of experience as a life coach, voice coach and communication expert, the most important work I've done over the past decade is learning how the wisdom of our nervous system (namely the vagus nerve) can make or break a soul-aligned truth speaking moment.

My teacher, Deb Dana (Poly Vagal Theory) says: "Our story (the one we believe/tell ourselves) follows our nervous system state.”

If our story is of stress and trauma, our state and authentic truth functioning is suppressed.

If our story is of ease, regulation and gratitude, we have a greater chance of feeling comfortable to show up authentically and even boldly. 

Understanding your own nervous system cues and how they affect your ability to show up authentically is the path to fully expressing your truth. 

This work has changed my life and leadership—and over the past 20+ years, I'm grateful to witness the ways in which it’s transformed my clients’ lives, too! 

My clients…

  • Get in touch with their body cues and learn how those cues influence their expression of truth. 

  • Befriend and rewire their nervous system, so they can get a handle on those whacked-out responses we all feel from time to time and move through those tricky feelings with ease.

  • Massively increase their visibility and leadership, with ease, grace, and confidence. 

  • Center dignity in their communication style, cultivating a deeper sense of felt safety and holding space for safe interactions personally and professionally. 

  • Own their authentic truth, speak it powerfully, and stand up for themselves and others, even in challenging situations. 

I believe that when one person heals the belief that their voice isn’t worthy, they inspire that change in others too.