And I have good news for you…

Being fearless is NOT a prerequisite for change.

If you’re ready to get to the ROOT of the issue... Keep reading. 

You're not alone, and there is nothing wrong with you.

Or maybe you feel like you’ve never had control of your life…

...and you hold deep anger and resentment. An anger so deep it’s hard to admit.

You want to feel powerful, but you’re also terrified.

Maybe you’re worried about what you’re unconsciously teaching your kids...

...or how you hold yourself back from having the impact on the world you so deeply want because of the patterns you just can’t seem to kick…

Do you feel like you have so much to offer the world...

...and at the same time feel directionless and confused because you keep holding yourself back, playing small, and minimize yourself to make everyone else comfortable?

“It’s like push and pull. It's like I'm halfway there. I've done a lot of work and I've had a lot of growth and there's been a lot of healing."

“I have so much to offer the world. I conquer the world everyday. Yet I feel directionless. It is so confusing.”

“All of a sudden I turn into this babbling fool who – as opposed to a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants – I go back to the little kid who's talking to her dad.”

“Speaking to my phone to do an Instagram story is terrifying to me. There's still a ton of like, is what I have to say valuable? I don't want to look stupid.”

“It's a difficult process for me, using my voice and 
speaking up and taking up space. Propping other people up is what I'm really good at instead of tooting my own horn.”

Any of these ring a bell?

“It’s like push and pull. It's like I'm halfway there. I've done a lot of work and I've had a lot of growth and there's been a lot of healing."

“I have so much to offer the world. I conquer the world everyday. Yet I feel directionless. It is so confusing.”

“All of a sudden I turn into this babbling fool who – as opposed to a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants – I go back to the little kid who's talking to her dad.”

“Speaking to my phone to do an Instagram story is terrifying to me. There's still a ton of like, is what I have to say valuable? I don't want to look stupid.”

“It's a difficult process for me, using my voice and 
speaking up and taking up space. Propping other people up is what I'm really good at instead of tooting my own horn.”

Any of these ring a bell?

You're TIRED of working so hard on "self-improvement" just trying to feel "good enough"...

You have Olympic-level people pleasing skills. You are so hyper-vigilant that people sometimes think you’re psychic.

Your therapist has told you that you seem to have things figured out… but deep down you know there’s something missing

You've worshiped at the Church of Self-Improvement your whole life. You want to live knowing you’ve given the world your best. It feels like something just keeps getting in your way… 

For my entrepreneurs reading this, you tell yourself THIS is the sales call you’ll finally verbalize your new, higher pricing – only to freeze in the moment and blurt out a wayyyy too discounted price. You know you’ll be kicking yourself for this later.

You’re at the point where your lack of identity, confidence, and boundaries feels unignorable.

You're TIRED of working so hard on "self-improvement" just trying to feel "good enough"...

You have Olympic-level people pleasing skills. You are so hyper-vigilant that people sometimes think you’re psychic.

Your therapist has told you that you seem to have things figured out… but deep down you know there’s something missing

You've worshiped at the Church of Self-Improvement your whole life. You want to live knowing you’ve given the world your best. It feels like something just keeps getting in your way… 

For my entrepreneurs reading this, you tell yourself THIS is the sales call you’ll finally verbalize your new, higher pricing – only to freeze in the moment and blurt out a wayyyy too discounted price. You know you’ll be kicking yourself for this later.

You’re at the point where your lack of identity, confidence, and boundaries feels unignorable.

There IS a way to interrupt your people pleasing habit. 

You really CAN feel empowered to choose yourself for the highest good.

You have everything you need inside of you to interrupt and redirect the people-pleasing pattern.

Truth is, lasting change is possible...

(Plus, the positive reinforcement of the self-respect that comes with choosing yourself helps)

Your healing journey doesn’t have to be characterized by shame…

…because people-pleasing isn’t a character flaw (it’s not even something you consciously do!)

True healing can bring PEACE and INNER FREEDOM – I promise.

You Can: 

Feel relaxed in your body and speak from your soul

Be solid in who you are and grounded in what you actually want to say

Trust yourself and feel a deep sense of safety in your body

Hold your boundaries and know exactly who you are

…with a compassionate, expert guide who’s been there and can walk you through this discovery for yourself – for LASTING change. 

There IS a way to interrupt your people pleasing behaviour. 

You really CAN feel empowered to choose yourself for the highest good.

You have everything you need inside of you to interrupt and redirect the people-pleasing pattern.

Truth is, lasting change is possible...

(Plus, the positive reinforcement that comes with choosing
yourself, helps!)

Your healing journey doesn’t have to be characterized by shame…

…because people-pleasing isn’t a character flaw (it’s not even something you consciously do!)

True healing can bring PEACE and INNER FREEDOM – I promise.

You Can: 

Feel relaxed in your body and speak from your soul

Be solid in who you are and grounded in what you actually want to say

Trust yourself and feel a deep sense of safety in your body

Hold your boundaries and know exactly who you are

…with a compassionate, expert guide who’s been there and can walk you through this discovery for yourself – for LASTING change. 

What’s ACTUALLY happening in your body when you people please – so you get rid of the “I should have figured this out by now” guilt – and understand that it’s not your fault.

Why your people pleasing reflex results in a shame spiral – so you know how to stop this vicious cycle.

3 practical ways you can interrupt your people pleasing response in the moment it happens – so you can say what you WANT to say and feel safe advocating for yourself.

Real-time exercises to practice interrupting your people pleasing habit – so you can start feeling grounded in yourself NOW.

Inquiry into what’s possible for you when you no longer people please – so you can start living into the woman you’ve always wanted to be. 

“Stage Fright Whisperer” 
as deemed by clients

Audience Members

22 Years
Coaching Experience

you'll be in excellent company with others who get it.

With over 74,000 Truth Speakers in my community...

For the woman who is no longer okay sitting in the shadows, propping  everyone else UP…

In this 50-minute on-demand training, you’ll learn…

Regular Price: $47

Limited Time Only: $27


Price will be going up soon – get both the video + private podcast recording now at this discounted rate.

What’s ACTUALLY happening in your body when you people please – so you get rid of the “I should have figured this out by now” guilt – and understand that it’s not your fault.

Why your people pleasing reflex results in a shame spiral – so you know how to stop this vicious cycle.

3 practical ways you can interrupt your people pleasing response in the moment it happens – so you can say what you WANT to say and feel safe advocating for yourself.

Real-time exercise to practice interrupting your people pleasing habit – so you can start feeling grounded in yourself NOW.

Inquiry into what’s possible for you when you no longer people please – so you can start living into the woman you’ve always wanted to be. 

“Stage Fright Whisperer” 
as deemed by clients

Audience Members

22 Years
Coaching Experience

you'll be in excellent company with others who get it.

With over 74,000 Truth Speakers in my community...

For the woman who is no longer okay sitting in the shadows, propping up everyone else…

In this 50-minute on-demand training, you’ll learn…

All this for just $27


Get instant, lifetime access – both the video + private podcast recording.

"Working with Elise, I was able to let go of some of my fears around perfection or looking silly, and sink into what it meant to identify myself, my desires, and my goals. Elise helped shift my perspective from being a passive character in my own life, to a much more active one."

- Nikki

"Before working with Elise, something in my body or subconscious was holding me back - literally. My throat would often feel like it was closing in or blocked when I was talking. I had a call with Elise that was so transformational, it raised my awareness of my body wisdom and love for my whole self."

- Stephanie

Real Talk?

When culture thrives on women doubting their own self-worth, the most revolutionary thing you can do is reclaim your power. 

The girls that were once conditioned to believe they aren’t worthy, are now the women who are healing generational traumas. 

They’re discovering REAL freedom in how to trust their intuition. 

They are no longer self-abandoning… instead they are tapping into the fierce powerhouse they KNOW lives inside of them. 

People pleasing is not a mindset issue. People pleasing is a stress response that is deeply rooted in your body. 

You have to heal people pleasing at its ROOT so you can finally feel the expansive freedom you so deeply want.

This is the only way lasting change can be made.


"Working with Elise, I was able to let go of some of my fears around perfection or looking silly, and sink into what it meant to identify myself, my desires, and my goals. Elise helped shift my perspective from being a passive character in my own life, to a much more active one."

- Nikki

"Before working with Elise, something in my body or subconscious was holding me back - literally. My throat would often feel like it was closing in or blocked when I was talking. I had a call with Elise that was so transformational, it raised my awareness of my body wisdom and love for my whole self."

- Stephanie

Real Talk?

When culture thrives on women doubting their own self-worth, the most revolutionary thing you can do is reclaim your power. 

The girls that were once conditioned to believe they aren’t worthy, are now the women who are healing generational traumas. 

They’re discovering REAL freedom in how to trust their intuition. 

They are no longer self-abandoning… instead they are tapping into the fierce powerhouse they KNOW lives inside of them. 

People pleasing is not a mindset issue. People pleasing is a stress response that is deeply rooted in your body. 

You have to heal people pleasing at its ROOT so you can finally feel the expansive freedom you so deeply want.

This is the only way lasting change can be made.


"I feel much more confident entering into potentially uncomfortable conversations, knowing I can hold space not just for myself but for those in my charge as well!"

- Kaeli

"As an entrepreneur this has been life changing! It has allowed me to refine my skills in listening and speaking from a place of personal truth, power and authenticity"


"I feel much more confident entering into potentially uncomfortable conversations, knowing I can hold space not just for myself but for those in my charge as well!"

- Kaeli

"As an entrepreneur this has been life changing! It has allowed me to refine my skills in listening and speaking from a place of personal truth, power and authenticity"


From the desk of Elise Besler:

The other day I posted a selfie and someone replied with this...

Ouch, right?

There was a time when a mean comment like that would have absolutely thrown me for a loop…

…even though I had been doing mindset work and therapy for YEARS

It’s no wonder that even after investing an incredible amount of time, energy and resources into therapy and energetic healing, we still feel like there's just something missing… 

Because that’s what happens when you treat symptoms and not the root cause.

And you can't treat the root cause if you don't know what the root cause is.

Today, I know in my GUT that there is NOTHING wrong with me, and I am proud of the way I can show up as an advocate for myself, no matter the situation. 

Because I have big things to do. I have lives to impact. With my focus and energy no longer being wasted trying to micromanage other people’s experience of me, I am free to live my mission in the world and show up as confidently and POWERFULLY as I want.

I want the same for you, too.

I can’t wait to see what you’ll do after this class. It is world-changing work, and it is time.

To your success, 

~ Elise “Taking Up Space” Besler

From the desk of Elise Besler:

The other day I posted a selfie and someone replied with this...

Ouch, right?

There was a time when a mean comment like that would have absolutely thrown me for a loop…

…even though I had been doing mindset work and therapy for YEARS

It’s no wonder that even after investing an incredible amount of time, energy and resources into therapy and energetic healing, we still feel like there's just something missing… 

Because that’s what happens when you treat symptoms and not the root cause.

And you can't treat the root cause if you don't know what the root cause is.

Today, I know in my GUT that there is NOTHING wrong with me, and I am proud of the way I can show up as an advocate for myself, no matter the situation. 

Because I have big things to do. I have lives to impact. With my focus and energy no longer being wasted trying to micromanage other people’s experience of me, I am free to live my mission in the world and show up as confidently and POWERFULLY as I want.

I want the same for you, too.

I can’t wait to see what you’ll do after this class. It is world-changing work, and it is time.

To your success, 

~ Elise “Taking Up Space” Besler

For the woman ready to take back her sovereignty and learn to be unapologetic about who she really is...

Imagine feeling like YOU are the one in the driver's seat of your life.

Imagine feeling like you are more than capable of handling whatever comes your way.

Imagine feeling free to be exactly who you are.

No more apologizing for just standing on this earth.


I'm Elise.

If you want to go from feeling unheard and unseen to being highly visible and fully expressed – I’m your gal. 

I needed this training at one point in my life and wish I had it. 

I was painfully shy and bullied for taking up space and existing in a larger body (and still am!). 

My nervous system was often stuck in fight or flight (sound familiar?).

I began people-pleasing to secure attachments with others, to avoid feeling lonely. I felt shame for having any opinion other than the words of others.

I understand that "Say what you mean to say" isn't as easy as it sounds... 

As a lifelong student of embodied truth, I’m here to guide you through the process of translating your body’s wisdom into intentional action and confident communication… 

…So you can feel 100% safe and seen when you use your voice.

I no longer apologize for simply existing.

Join me?


I'm Elise.

If you want to go from feeling unheard and unseen to being highly visible and fully expressed – I’m your gal. 

I needed this training at one point in my life and wish I had it. 

I was painfully shy and bullied for taking up space and existing in a larger body (and still am!). 

My nervous system was often stuck in fight or flight (sound familiar?).

I began people-pleasing to secure attachments with others, to avoid feeling lonely. I felt shame for having any opinion other than the words of others.

I understand that "Say what you mean to say" isn't as easy as it sounds... 

As a lifelong student of embodied truth, I’m here to guide you through the process of translating your body’s wisdom into intentional action and confident communication… 

…So you can feel 100% safe and seen when you use your voice.

I no longer apologize for simply existing.

Join me?

"Will this work for me?"

Are you a human being? If yes – I have great news for you. You have a body, which contains a nervous system (your brain, spinal cord, nerves). This means the body-based work we cover in this class is relevant to you, and can bring you the kind of understanding you’ll need to make lasting change. 

Yes, you get forever access to this recorded class.

"How long is this class?"

This is a 50-minute class that you can re-watch (or listen to podcast style) anytime you’d like a refresher. So basically one episode of Love is Blind, and you’re good.

"Is this that woo-woo stuff or more mindset work? I've tried all of that before."

Nope – this is literal science. It’s kind of like: gravity exists even if we don’t believe in it, right? Same here. You have a nervous system and it does real stuff in your body – whether you believe in it or not. Whether you are woo-inclined or woo-averse is irrelevant when you work with your nervous system. 

"What if I decide this class isn't for me?"

Due to the digital nature of this product, we don't offer refunds at this time. So all sales are final. 

With that said, if you have any issues or questions at all, my team is just an email away! Reach out to


This is about self-reclamation.


Get the video recording and private podcast link for just $27


This is about self-reclamation.


Get the video recording and private podcast link for just $27