on the edge of your greatest success, self sabotage has crept in ~ leaving you feeling more stuck than satisfied.

You're ready to move away from that stuck-ness ~ toward the freedom to thrive on your own terms.

Here's the Capitol T Truth, Woman... 

You have the power to rewrite the narrative. 

And... your body holds the key to moving past the behaviors that have held you back until now.

Even though you have nothing to prove. It might feel like you need to, in order to stand out... you might even be rewarded for it from time to time.

Even though you have nothing to prove. It might feel like you do, in order to stand out... you might even be rewarded for it from time to time. 
  • Taking on extra projects when you're already over capacity ...
  • Downplaying your accomplishments lead to decreased productivity.

  • Feeling like you have to respond to emails/calls outside of office hours.
  • Always going the extra mile, disregarding your own needs and desires.

"I'm not _____ enough", "not ready", "not qualified" ← these hold many women back from stepping into the leadership roles they are more than capable of owing. 

And... your body holds the key to moving past the behaviors that have, until now, held you back.

overworking to prove your worth

fear of setting boundaries

Doubting your own power & ability

 your expertise, passion and impact are invaluable. remember that. 

here's how self sabotage rears it's head...

For the woman in leadership ready to break the cycle of self-sabotage and claim her true power...

A 5-day training for groundbreaking women pioneering a new era. 

This on the go, on-demand podcast style training gives you actionable tools that move beyond mindset and affirmations ~ towards lasting change in your self sabotage behavior... 



Just 5 days and under 15 minutes a day you could transform your life in ways you never imagined!

as a communication and leadership coach, i know how important it is for you to not just *think* confidently but actually feel confidence.

The Self Sabotage Solution allows you to finally know what it's like to embody your inner power...

DAY 2: HOW TO HOLD POWER as a leader

DAY 1: The anatomy of self sabotage

DAY 4: Claim your space & be intentional

DAY 5: how to create your ritual


On this first day you'll:

  • Learn where your Self Sabotage Comes from and...
  • Start to embody the tools needed to grow into the leader you're capable of being. 
On this fourth day you'll:

  • Embody asserting your presence and take ownership of your role.
  • Begin to overcome the all to common feelings of imposter syndrome, so you can thrive!

On this fifth day you'll:

  • Learn the small, consistent actions you'll take every day.
  • Build a sense of stability and continuity so your brain can make different choices.

On this third day you'll:

  • Identify your triggers and how they hold you back from showing up.
  • Up-level your boundary game, so you can claim pockets of peace in your daily life.

On this second day you'll:

  • Begin to feel safe to follow through with YOUR goals.
  • Begin to reduce stress and stop looping between burnout and low self-worth.


Just 5 days and under 15 minutes a day you could transform your life in ways you never imagined!

as a communication and leadership coach, i know how important it is for you to not just *think* confidently but actually feel confidence.

The Self Sabotage Solution allows you to finally know what it's like to embody your inner power...

Day 2: how to hold power as a leader


DAY 4: Claim your space & be intentional

DAY 5: how to create your ritual

DAY 1: The Anatomy of self-sabotage

On this first day you'll:

  • Learn where your Self Sabotage Comes from and...
  • Start to embody the tools needed to grow into the leader you're capable of being. 
On this third day you'll:

  • Identify your triggers and how they hold you back from showing up.
  • Up-level your boundary game, so you can claim pockets of peace in your daily life.
On this fourth day you'll:

  • Embody asserting your presence and take ownership of your role.
  • Begin to overcome the all to common feelings of imposter syndrome, so you can thrive!

On this fifth day you'll:

  • Learn the small, consistent actions you'll take every day, for success.
  • Build a sense of stability and continuity so your brain can make different choices and follow through goals.
On this second day you'll:

  • Begin to feel safe to follow through with YOUR goals.
  • Begin to reduce stress and stop looping between burnout and low self-worth.


“Boundary Alchemist” 
as deemed by clients

Audience Members

22 Years
Coaching Experience

WORD ON THE STREET FROM OTHER women, just like you …

Discovering these tools has been a game-changer for me! I’ve gone from self-sabotaging to confidently steering my team toward success. Highly recommend for any woman in leadership or on the verge of becoming a leader looking to level up!

Emma ~ Team Lead

“I used to second-guess myself constantly, but now I’m leading with clarity and purpose. Elise's teachings and tools have helped me conquer self-doubt and step into my full potential. A must-have for any leader!”

Sarah ~ Emergency Room Physician

✓ Less anxiety, more calm.

 ✓ Less worry, more bone-deep faith and trust.

✓ Less fear of failure, more getting what you want.

✓ Less exhaustion, more boundaries.  

✓ Less not-enoughness, more airtight self belief.

✓ Less holding your tongue, more speaking up.

THE essential training to help women in leadership trade self-sabotage for clarity, resilience, and decisive action.


"Your success is not only possible—it’s deserved."

Finding a solution to your self sabotage looks like... 

You'll have lifetime access to this on-demand audio training to help you make bold, unwavering choices. 

the self sabotage solution IS JUST $67!

“Boundary Alchemist” 
as deemed by clients

Audience Members

22 Years
Coaching Experience

you'll be in excellent company with others who get it.

With over 74,000 Truth Speakers in my community...

WORD ON THE STREET FROM OTHER women, just like you …

THE essential training to help women in leadership trade self-sabotage for clarity, resilience, and decisive action.


Your success is not only possible—it’s deserved.

Finding a solution to your self sabotage looks like... 

 ✓ Confident decision-making – Trust yourself and make bold moves without second-guessing.

 ✓ Stronger boundaries – Protect your time and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Increased visibility – Show up fully, own your voice, and be seen as the leader you are.

Greater resilience – Bounce back from challenges with clarity and a sense of purpose.

Sustainable success – Build lasting progress without burnout or self-doubt holding you back.

Empowered leadership – Lead with conviction, inspiring others through your authenticity and confidence.

make bold, unwavering choices with lifetime access to this on-demand audio training. 


"The impact of these tools on my leadership has been incredible. I’ve finally stopped holding myself back and started embracing my power. My team has noticed the difference, and so have I!"

- Jessica ~ VP of Marketing

"If you’re ready to stop the self-sabotage and own your leadership role, these tools are for you. I’ve transformed my approach, and the results speak for themselves. Thrilled with my progress!”"

- Natalie ~ Head Of Sales

Discovering these tools has been a game-changer for me! I’ve gone from self-sabotaging to confidently steering my team toward success. Highly recommend for any woman in leadership or on the verge of becoming a leader looking to level up!

Emma ~ Team Lead

“I used to second-guess myself constantly, but now I’m leading with clarity and purpose. Elise's teachings and tools have helped me conquer self-doubt and step into my full potential. A must-have for any leader!”

Sarah ~ Emergency Room Physician

"The impact of these tools on my leadership has been incredible. I’ve finally stopped holding myself back and started embracing my power. My team has noticed the difference, and so have I!"

- Jessica ~ VP of Marketing

"If you’re ready to stop the self-sabotage and own your leadership role, these tools are for you. I’ve transformed my approach, and the results speak for themselves. Thrilled with my progress!”"

- Natalie ~ Head Of Sales

"I feel much more confident entering into potentially uncomfortable conversations, knowing I can hold space not just for myself but for those in my charge as well!"

- Kaeli ~ chief marketing officer

"I was trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage, but these strategies helped me break free and thrive. My confidence is through the roof, and my leadership has never been stronger. Thank you a million times over, elise!"

- Laura ~ director of operations

"I feel much more confident entering into potentially uncomfortable conversations, knowing I can hold space not just for myself but for those in my charge as well!"

- Kaeli

"I was trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage, but these strategies helped me break free and thrive. My confidence is through the roof, and my leadership has never been stronger. Thank you a million times over, elise!"

- Laura ~ director of operations

Because there is no empowered action without first connecting to your body.


The Self Sabotage Solution will teach you how to reach your goals from the inner operating system of your body... 


I'm Elise.

I help Women in Leadership and Creative Entrepreneurs shift from living in survival mode and pushing themselves beyond their limits, to trusting the wisdom of their bodies and creating a more sustainable, dynamic and self - honouring approach to life and work.

Here’s what I know for sure: In the 20+ years I’ve been supporting women in leadership, one thing stands out ~ the shared vision and goal for most women is to feel confident, empowered, and to maintain a sustainable relationship with their work.

That’s exactly why I created this training ~ to help you connect with the wisdom your body already holds, so you can fully embrace and wield the power that comes with being a woman in leadership!

Join me?


I'm Elise.

I help Women in Leadership and Creative Entrepreneurs shift from living in survival mode and pushing themselves beyond their limits, to trusting the wisdom of their bodies and creating a more sustainable, dynamic and self - honouring approach to life and work.

Here’s what I know for sure: In the 20+ years I’ve been supporting women in leadership, one thing stands out ~ the shared vision and goal for most women is to feel confident, empowered, and to maintain a sustainable relationship with their work.

That’s exactly why I created this training ~ to help you connect with the wisdom your body already holds, so you can fully embrace and wield the power that comes with being a woman in leadership!

Join me?

"How does this actually work, Elise ?"

The Self Sabotage Solution includes lifetime access to a 5 day private podcast style training, so you can practice the tools the go, on your own schedule, and as many times as you like. 

You'll get insights, resources and strategies around how to finally interrupt this behavior for good. Deepening into a lasting, embodied self-trust that will help you feel SAFE in your skin and showing up as your brilliant self. 

A's to your Q's:

"Will this work for me?"

You are a human being ~ and I have great news for you. You have a body, which contains a nervous system (your brain, spinal cord, nerves). This means the body-based work we cover in this training is relevant to you, and can bring you the kind of understanding you’ll need to make lasting change. 

"Will I be able to ask questions or chat back?"

This digital product doesn't include any 1:1 support with it BUT the ELEVATION SESSION 90 minute one-off coaching call is always available to you, if you want to dive deeper. 

Follow me on social media (@elisebesler on all platforms) because I often do "Ask Me Anything" question days where you can have your curiosities quenched about the work and your orientation to it!

"What if I decide this training isn't for me?"

Due to the digital nature and delivery of this product, refunds are not available and all sales are final.

With that said, if you have any issues or questions at all, my team is just an email away! Reach out to support@elisebesler.com.

Here's how The Self Sabotage Solution can help you be the leader you're meant to be...


  • Tangible teachings and tools to help you interrupt the behavior of Self Sabotage, so you can be clear and take action. 

  • Daily practice prompts to help you embody the teachings, so you can move past what's been holding you back.

  • Practical tools to manage stress and overwhelm, so you can be in the driver's seat of your life. 

  • Actionable boundary tools to actually protect your peace, time and energy. 

  • PLUS: Overcome self doubt so you can act on your lead with confidence. 

  • AND: Help you lead with clarity, purpose and and make decisions that align with your true vision and purpose.

Total Value of no longer self sabotaging: Priceless

Click below to get the training!